Köbelin Winery

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Köbelin Winery

Köbelin winery – unearthing the natural resources of the Kaiserstuhl

It is said that the soil is the soul of the vine. Let the Köbelin winery in Eichstetten in the Kaiserstuhl hills persuade you this is true. You will find something else to be true here: the soil can also become the soul of the room. The impressive rammed earth wall in the shop and tasting room brings you face to face with the secret behind the wine you are enjoying in the most literal sense – loess-rich soil from the Köbelin vineyards was used in its construction.

Soil – the foundation for modern quality

In addition to the many hours of sunshine, it is above all the loess soil that makes the Kaiserstuhl one of the best wine-growing regions in Germany – and spoils you with top-quality wines when you visit.

Arndt Köbelin’s vines stand on a layer of loess that is up to 50 meters thick. The lime and mineral-rich soil with good drainage capacity is the basis for the high quality of the pinot noir, pinot gris and pinot blanc grown here. During a visit to the modern winery, you will experience the top wines – and everything that makes them special.

In the tasting room of the winery, the backdrop for your selections is a wall made of rammed earth reaching up to five meters high – a homage to the soil as a natural source of growth and enjoyment. The typical transverse structure of the wall, which is created when the building material is introduced into the formwork, is reminiscent of layers of soil.

But this wall is very special for another reason: The clay building material was enriched with soil from the family’s vineyards. Just as the soil determines the character of the wine, the massive rammed earth wall influences the atmosphere of the room.

In the colder months, when a fire is lit in the fireplace embedded in the wall, the rammed earth acts as a heat store. The wall radiates warmth, distributing it evenly throughout the space, thereby ensuring long-lasting comfort.

Distinctive building – a trademark for good wine

Not only the rammed earth wall is impressive. The design of the winery’s new building is unadulterated and authentic – just like the wines you can expect here. That is the winemaker’s philosophy.

On the way to the modern building you will make your way through the estate’s own vineyards in the middle of the millennia-old cultural landscape of the Kaiserstuhl. Other materials from the winemaking process, aside from clay, also appear in the furnishings and fittings throughout the building.

Upon climbing the stairs hidden behind the rammed earth wall, you arrive at the rooftop terrace – reminiscent of the winegrower climbing the wine terraces. Here you can not only taste the quality of the soil your wine grew in, but also let your gaze wander over the picturesque landscape. Literally the pinnacle of enjoyment.

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Clay Highlight:

“Treasure from the Earth” – rammed earth from Claytec as the basis for distinctive architecture

The natural building material clay is for architecture what loess soil is for good wines: the basis for quality. At the Köbelin winery, rammed earth from Claytec was mixed with soil from the vineyards. This customisation works particularly well with clay. In theory, the natural building material clay can be used in its completely unprocessed state, as taken directly out of the ground. In order to meet modern requirements, however, the material does undergo a screen process and can be modified with the addition of other materials. Monolithic rammed earth walls can be erected as load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls. The characteristic visible layers of rammed earth are eye-catching and showcase the handcrafted nature of the wall. Claytec rammed earth is available in six colours. Natural variations in colour shades throughout the layers of the wall create colour gradient effects.


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  • Fine-Finish Surfaces
    Clay Plaster
    Rammed Earth
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